August 1, 1980
Calgary, Alberta
(Click on the thumbnail pictures to see a large version)
Specialty Judge: Mrs. Catherine Burg (Portland, Oregon)
Best of Breed
Ch. Kostroma's Erov of Fox Run
Owners: Nicole de Vogelaere and Andre Maissonneuve
Breeders: Jeanne Hack and George Hinkle
(Ch. Kostroma's Chekov - Ch. Kostroma's Afimya)
Best of Opposite Sex
Ch. Kishniga's Isis
Owners: Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Vandenberghe
R. Meen and J. Reeve-Newson
(Ch. Kishniga's Dalgarth - Ch. Kishniga's Antonia Willa)
Best of Winners / Winners Dog
Endymion's Orion
Owner/Breeder: B. Pelliccia
(Ch. Countrybar's China Clipper - Ch. Sirhan Nochenka)
Winners Bitch
Kristull Weerob Kylara
Owners: Mr. and Mrs. R. Rosetti
Breeders: F. Stull and J. Nelson
(Kristull Ccenturion - Kristull Mmere Whisper)
Reserve Winners Dog / Best Puppy
Kristull Ppaladin
Owners: John and Linda Curliss
Breeder: Francie Stull
(Windhounds Nadar - Kristull Mmidnight Madness)
Reserve Winners Bitch
Kelemark's Crystal Chandelier
Owner: Merla Thomson
Breeder: Glen Downey
(Ch. Majenkir Hoflin Apollo - Ch. Aaronoff Brandy of Kelemark)